2105027607 Kasou 7, Petroupoli info@kirkis.gr
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Kirkis Graphic Arts
Printing Office - Design - Printing - Stickers - Inscriptions - Clothing - Petroupoli Attica


KIRKIS is a graphic arts company founded in 1995 with passion and vision to always offer the best to its customers. Since then, the company has developed on a path that is constantly evolving with new media, technologies and experiences.

At KIRKIS we offer high-level services that deliver steady growth to our customers. We are dedicated to serving the needs of our customers and ensuring that their requirements are fully met. We provide complete solutions to our clients, covering all their needs in the field of graphic arts.

Always at the best quality-price ratio from design to delivery. At KIRKIS, we believe that quality should always be at the heart of our services, but at the same time it should be affordable for all our customers.